Source Marketing Direct responds to Budget cut announcement

  • AUTHOR: Guest
  • 25th November 2010
Source Marketing Direct responds to Budget cut announcement

Source Marketing Direct’s Managing Director, Hector Montalvo, hosted a meeting today on the recent cuts made by George Osborne in attempt to clear Britain’s deficit. While the announced budget cuts are meant to “bring sanity to our public finances and stability to our economy” they are also resulting in an estimated 500,000 job losses nationwide (The Times).

The focus of the meeting was what some would call unusual; rather than announcing expense or department cuts as some companies have had to do, he spoke on the benefits of running his own business, “to create synergy and energy in the office, to get people to think outside the box, and stop thinking like an employee and rather as a business partner”.

The speech centred on entrepreneurial concepts like personal growth and development, achieving potential in one’s career, financial stability and independence, control over earnings and investments and so forth.

Hector Montalvo said “It is for this reason that I started Source Marketing Direct and went into business for myself 10 years ago. Right now, I feel safe and secure. I know that I am in no danger of losing my job because I work for myself, I know that my retirement fund won’t be affected because I am building it myself, I know that I am in control over my own financial future”.

The meeting was also a reassurance for everyone in attendance. Montalvo was quick to highlight that since Source Marketing Direct opened 10 years ago it has never had to downsize due to financial reasons. Montalvo went on to say “For a business of our size, we turned over nearly £1 million last year and are on track for even more this year. We started a new business to business program which has led to us signing on with another supplier. Clearly, we are moving forward.”

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