Source Marketing Direct claims stability in industry

  • AUTHOR: Guest
  • 23rd August 2010
Source Marketing Direct claims stability in industry

Source Marketing Direct claims stability due to industry even amongst fears of a ‘double dip’ recession as reported in London’s City AM on August 12th 2010.

On August 12th, London’s City AM reported that markets here in the UK and the US plummeted confirming doubts that the global economy is still far from recovered. Lower business profits, falling share prices, decreased value in leading currencies and horrific unemployment rates are just a few indicators that the effects of the recession that started in 2008 are still upon us now half way through 2010.

Multiple industries including tourism, hospitality, construction and banking have struggled to stabilise throughout the last two years with recent confidence surveys suggesting there is still a long way to go (, Jan 2010).

However Source Marketing Direct, a UK based firm, claims that their position is completely secure, and in fact, expect continued growth purely due to the nature of the direct sales and marketing industry. What sets the direct sales and marketing industry apart is the low risk involved for clients. Businesses that outsource their customer acquisition needs to Source Marketing Direct only pay for results therefore the financial risk is nearly nonexistent. Moreover, Source Marketing Direct has stable demand as their clients, regardless of industry, always require new customers.

Source Marketing Direct has expanded to three different locations in the UK with five offices and has plans to open a further five offices by the end of 2010. Hector Montalvo, Managing Director, believes this goal is completely realistic even with other markets softening ‘The reason why Source Marketing Direct is able to expand so rapidly during this time, and maintain our high industry standards is simple. It is because regardless of the economy, or any outside factor for that matter, our clients need and will always continue to need new customers’.


We are a direct sales & marketing company that concentrates on customer acquisitions for a portfolio of various clientele throughout the UK. We have serviced clients in sports, hospitality, home improvement, charity and entertainment industries.

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